Working and Waiting

After five months of having Hubby underfoot (AKA unemployed), I am finally enjoying a taste of having my life back. He’s been accepted as a substitute maintenance/janitorial worker for a local school district, and they’ve put him work for this entire week.

Bless them.

On the downside (for him), it’s a week of midnight shift, which he hates. I can sympathize. I would be a zombie if I had to stay up all night. He used to work all three shifts, but it’s been years. Decades. But at least it’s not heavy, back-breaking labor.

From my point of view, it’s great. I have to be quiet all day so he can sleep. Now, what on earth could I find to do all day that’s quiet?


I spent all day yesterday writing. It was bliss. I’m doing it again today. Double bliss. I could get used to this. Unfortunately, as a substitute, he only gets called in when needed. Guess I’ll take what I can get.

The other thing that has lifted my spirits is an upcoming Citizens’ Police Academy held by the Pennsylvania State Police. Two years ago I participated in the one given by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police and loved it. This one promises even more. They have all the bells and whistles (as in simulators), and there are supposed to be talks given by the DA and potentially tours of the ME’s office…

But they’re only accepting 25 participants. My application is in. Now I wait. I should know by the middle of next week.

Cross your fingers for me!


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