Changing Seasons

Autumn in Pennsylvania can be beautiful. Unfortunately, it only lasts about 27 minutes. We tend to plummet from 90 degree days to cold, wet, rainy 45 degree days within a week.

Maybe this is Mother Nature’s version of ripping off the Band-Aid. No time to contemplate the end of summer and the approach of winter. Bam. It’s here.

We spent our last few days of the season at Confluence this weekend. We had a double purpose this trip. It was the Pumpkinfest once again, and I wanted to hand deliver copies of Pennsylvania Magazine to the festival’s organizer and the fire department, since my article covering last year’s festival is in it. Plus we had to close up and winterize the camper. Delivering the magazines was fun. Formally ending the camping season? Not so much.

Today I’m in mourning. Camping Season 2010 is history. Gone. Who knows what the future holds. Will Hubby have a job next year? Will he be working so much that he won’t be able to enjoy the camp? Will he be working so little that we still won’t be able to afford more than the bare necessities? (Hey, I splurged on a take-out pizza this weekend! Major treat!)

However, I won’t have a lot of time to waste on grieving over summer’s passing. Tomorrow I start Citizen’s Police Academy with the Pennsylvania State Police. Yes, I was accepted. YAY. It’s been two years since I did the CPA with Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. If you haven’t read my posts about it over on Working Stiffs, let me just say I loved it. And I’m really eager to take this version.

I love research!

The classes will take me all the way through the rest of the year. And of course, I’ll be blogging about my experiences here and at Working Stiffs. With any luck, it will keep me distracted from the dropping temperatures and dreary gray skies.


Mason Canyon said…
I like your theory of Mother Nature's version of ripping off the Band-Aid. That's about what it's like in Georgia too. We were in the 90s and today we didn't make it out of the 60s with 15 to 20 mph winds. Somewhere in my memory it seems like fall use to last at least a couple of weeks.

Good luck with the CPA. Sounds very intriguing. Looking forward to reading your posts on it.


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