Photo Friday: Skye and Kensi Update

Skye and Kensi are still not what I'd call "friends." Kensi loves to torment Skye who isn't interested in rough-housing. But when things quiet down, Skye tolerates Kensi's presence pretty well.


Doris Dumrauf said…
we're in the same boat here. Our 13-year old tabby does not like to play. Bring in a barely one-year old kitten and things get pretty interesting!
Mason Canyon said…
They are slowly getting there. They are adorable together.

Thoughts in Progress
Annette said…
I had hopes of one day seeing Skye take over the maternal kitty role and start taking care of Kensi like she was her kitten. Well, I've completely abandoned that dream. Now I'm happy we can all sleep in the same bed without hissing and yeowling.

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