Crash Course in BSP

It’s been a busy and interesting week around here. I’m getting a crash course in book promotion (or Blatant Self Promotion) thanks to Fish Tales. As promised, I have posted the link to Mystery Lovers Bookshop to the right (or if you click on the picture of the book cover) for purchasing it in trade paperback. I’ve also updated my website for the first time in way too long. Many thanks to my webmaster Mike Holmes for tolerating the short notice. I’ve learned (or attempted to learn) a number of lessons on self promotion in the last few days. I now have a “fan page” on Facebook. Why? Darned if I know. At last count I have 3 fans. That’s probably about right. Mainly I did it because of a story one of the other Fish Tales authors shared about someone else creating a fan page for her that she has nothing to do with and can’t control. So I figured I’d do my own so no one else could. Kind of like reserving your domain name even when you don’t have a website…so it’ll be there when you DO want one. So my fan page exists, even if I feel like I’m talking to myself when I post on it. Speaking of fan pages, we have one for Fish Tales. And this one DOES have fans. I invite you to come “like” us. The other page I tried to create was an Amazon Author page. “Tried” being the key word. They apparently know I love my indy book store and therefore refused to accept me. Besides Fish Tales, there are some other new releases that I’m excited about. Not MY new releases, of course. But two of my favorite authors. Julia Spencer-Fleming’s latest Clare Fergusson/Russ Van Alstyne novel One Was A Soldier is about to hit the selves. I can’t wait to read it. If you haven’t discovered this author’s work yet, go back to her first, In the Bleak Midwinter and enjoy the journey through the entire series. Fabulous. And tomorrow I’m attending the launch party at Mystery Lovers Bookshop for Nancy Martin’s Sticky Fingers, the second Roxy Abruzzo mystery. It should be quite the shindig. If you’re in the Pittsburgh area, stop in. The festivities begin at 2PM. There will be cake!


Joyce Tremel said…
I'm bummed I'm going to miss the party! Have a piece of cake for me, 'kay?
Annette said…
Joyce, I'll give your piece to Hubby. I'm trying to fit back into my dress slacks before the Pennwriters Conference, and cake is not going to help.

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