Go West: Day Four

Monday, June 10, 2013

We enjoyed another lazy morning. Donnell’s husband had to go to work and miss the fun. But Donnell, Hubby, and I headed out to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park.

The views were stunning. We wandered across the bridge, snapping photos as we went.

Poor Donnell. Her post-surgery foot was swelling by the time we reached the far side, so she found a shady spot to sit while Hubby and I explored a mountain man village I’d dubbed Fort Tourist Trap. The trading post had some surprisingly nice stuff, though, and Hubby (who is well known as a tightwad) spent some money.

When we returned to Donnell, we ambled farther up the hill to see the animals they kept there. Donnell was thrilled to see a real, live Big Horn Sheep. And the two white buffalos were gorgeous.

By the time we made our way back across the bridge, the heat had wiped Donnell out. I drove her truck back to her house, so she could put her foot up.

Next, we headed to Manitou Springs again for lunch at Adam’sMountain Café. EXCELLENT food. I had a dish of veggies and currants in a spicy peanut sauce over udon noodles that was to die for!

We spent the rest of the afternoon packing in anticipation of the next leg of our journey. The day concluded with another episode of Longmire and some yoga before bed.

A sad postscript to the day: Less than 12 hours after our visit to Royal Gorge, a wildfire swept the park, burning nearly all the buildings including the mountain man village (Fort Tourist Trap), the carousel, and the main entrance to the park. I found a photo on Facebook of the clock Hubby and I had stood in front of, burnt and melted and stopped at 8:05 PM. Thankfully, the animals had all been evacuated in time and are safe. In fact, over the weekend, another white buffalo calf was born to one of their cows.

Next up: Goodbye, Colorado. Hello, New Mexico! And an epic meeting of two old friends.  


Liz Milliron said…
Wonderful pictures, but so sad about the fire. Wasn't a white buffalo just part of a Longmire episode?
Annette said…
Yes, it was, Mary.
I'm behind, Annette, but what a great recap of a special time. Yes, my poor foot was swelling in all that heat. But I had the best driver going home. I turned over the keys to Annette and said, here ya go! Such a great time. We're going to do it again!
Annette said…
I sure hope so, Donnell. I left my heart back there and need to come visit it!
Unknown said…
Did they tell you the significance of a white bison? If not, contact Craig Johnson of Longmire fame. He can fill you in. Beautiful country.
Annette said…
Beth, I've long known the mythology of the white bison. And we were honored to be in the presence of such an incredible animal.

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