Go West: Day Seven

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I dropped Hubby off at his new favorite fishing hole at the crack of dawn.

Over the last couple of years, Leta and I had formed a habit of having coffee together each morning, and this was no different. Except that we were in the same room instead of at our computers two time zones apart.

At 9:00 AM, I picked up Hubby so he could spend the day with us. The three of us set off to town. Our first stop: the Aztec Ruins, a 900 year old Pueblo Great House.

This is Leta and me at the ruins.

We wandered through the remains of what was 400 rooms.

The Great Kiva, a reproduction of the original, which had been destroyed when the inhabitants moved on.

Next, we hit the road north, back to Colorado, to explore the town of Durango. We had lunch at the historic Strater Hotel's dining room loaded with Old West atmosphere and a ghost or two. I had a stuffed Poblano pepper that was to die for. Leta raved over the Green Chile Stew. Hubby had a Philadelphia Cheese Steak. Yeah. You can take the boy out of Pennsylvania, but apparently you can't take Pennsylvania out of the boy.

After lunch we wandered the streets of Durango for a couple of hours. Hubby was getting antsy, though. Apparently the San Juan River was calling to him again. So we drove back to Navajo Dam in time to drop him off at his fishing hole for one last evening of fishing.

Tomorrow: Road trip south to Silver City


Joyce Tremel said…
I may have to stow away on your next trip.
Annette said…
Joyce, I'm already trying to figure out how to make a "next trip" happen. There are so many things we missed this trip that I still want to see and do.

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