Book Launch for Circle of Influence!

Yesterday, my dream came true.

Yes, signing a three-book contract was also a dream come true. As was holding my finished book in REAL BOOK form in my hands.

But yesterday was my launch party. I’ve been a bunch of these and other author events/book signings and such. I’ve longed for the day when it would be me. I’ve feared that no one would show up.

I’ve wanted to sign the Mystery Lovers Bookshop’s bathroom wall with a passion that bordered on lust.

Yesterday, it happened. My fear that no one would come was more than unfounded. The place was packed with family and friends from all over the state and even from Virginia!

Here is my dear friend and owner of Mystery Lovers Bookshop, Laurie Stephens, introducing me.
 I babbled on about the book and Pete and Zoe for a while. Hopefully not TOO long.
 Then I read a couple of pages. People laughed in the right places. THAT was good!
 Three of my fellow Pittsburgh authors elbowed their way to the front of the signing line: Rebecca Drake, Kathleen George, and Lila Shaara. I'm honored to be in such esteemed company!
 There was cake!

I had a lot of family in attendance, including my mom, my brother, and three grandnieces.

 Nice crowd!

And, yes, I did get to sign the wall!


Susan O'Brien said…
Yay, Annette! It sounds like so much fun -- and a huge success. Congratulations!!
Susan O'Brien said…
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Annette said…
Thanks, Susan!

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