Countdown to Bouchercon--Four Weeks

As I posted last week, I'm sharing memories of Bouchercons past each Wednesday leading up to this years convention in New Orleans.

The first Bcon I attended was in Baltimore in 2008. I traveled and roomed with my friend Joyce Tremel. At the time, both of us were aspiring authors, working on projects we hoped to see in print. (Happily, we're now both published!)

In looking back, one happy (at the time) memory now brings tears. Joyce and I met (for the first time face-to-face) our fellow Working Stiffs blogger, Wilfred Bereswill, who has since passed away. He was a sweet, funny man. I'm glad we had the opportunity to spend some time with him.

We also got to hang out with friends we usually only see online, like Michelle Gagnon and Lee Lofland...

as well as friends from back home like Paula Matter and Rebecca Drake.

Joyce and I took a walk to the beautiful Inner Harbor...

and attended some great panels.

We had some great meals with great friends, and spent a LOT of time in the bar.

Before heading home, we said farewell to our "new" friend Hank Phillippi Ryan (looking fabulous as always while Joyce and I had dressed down for the drive back to Pittsburgh). I had no idea at the time how many lifelong friends (like Hank!) I'd made that weekend.

And I can't wait to make a bunch more in New Orleans!


Joyce Tremel said…
I love those pictures. Every time I see that one of Will, it makes me cry. He was such a good guy.
Annette said…
I know. I came across it when looking at the pics for this blog and burst into tears all over again. Love and miss him.
Edith Maxwell said…
What a lovely post, Annette.
Annette said…
Thanks, Edith.

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