Not According to Plan...

My much-anticipated writing retreat didn't quite go off as planned. I lost two days helping a friend deal with a family health emergency (NOT COVID) and then Hubby returned home early from his hunting trip. As a result, I had only one full day of blessed solitude to write.

I did, however, make good use of it. I completed a very rough first draft of Fatal Reunion (Zoe Chambers #11) as well as another round of polish to the thoroughbred racetrack mystery I plan to release in May 2021. 

I had one other "distraction" but it was a good one. Yesterday, I signed a three-book contract with Level Best Books to continue the Zoe series! I'm thrilled to have found a home for the Monongahela County gang. It will be a while (spring 2022) before Fatal Reunion hits the bookstore shelves, but such is the publishing business. 

As for NaNoWriMo, I did not technically "win." But seeing as I managed to produce a completed manuscript, I definitely don't see it as a loss. Would I ever do it again? I doubt I'll have the opportunity since I'm back under contract and working with a production schedule that probably won't allow me to block off a month to JUST WRITE. There are all those other pesky tasks like revising and marketing and promoting that normally eat up chunks of my day. 

Today? Yeah. We have snow. I'm thinking it's a good time to settle in with a book. 


Dru Ann said…
Love the title of the new Zoe book. Trying to figure out whose reunion is fatal.

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