Updates-September 25, 2007

After a rough couple of weeks, the results are all in.

My biopsy came back negative…NO CANCER.

Skye, while negative for cancer, is a very strong positive for Bartonella. I’m still learning about this nasty little infection, but I’ll take it over oral cancer again in a heartbeat.

Mom had a check-up this morning with the surgeon. Her hip is healing well, but slowly. She’s stuck in that dreaded brace of hers for another four weeks. If she can go that long without dislocating, we’ll be in good shape and we can beef up the rehab. For now, it’s more of the same: hanging out in the Health Center with light physical therapy.

I’m thrilled that the x-rays look so promising. Of course, he didn’t tell her she could lose the brace and go dancing tonight, so Mom is less than happy.

Enough of this medical and veterinary stuff. Now I need to free up some time on my calendar and get back to writing!


Slatespage said…
Annette, I haven't had the chance to read the blog for a couple of days but I have been thinking about you a lot and I am very happy and very grateful to whatever higher powers there are for ALL your positive diagnoses. My greatest wish for you now is peace and quiet to write and perhaps have Skye walk across the keyboard now and then. Also. Thanks for the horseback riding descriptions. It's something I have never done but now I feel at least I've done it vicariously. Continued good health.
Annette said…
Thanks, Anne.

So far, Skye has only sat in my lap and looked longingly at the keyboard as I've been working. I'm afraid to let her get her paws on it. She might turn out to be a better writer than I am!

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