Biking and Reading

Hubby and I took advantage of the beautiful spring weather to head to Ohiopyle yesterday for a bike ride.

I am one of those people who ALWAYS complain about the weather. It’s either too cold or too hot or too something. But I’ve had nothing to complain about this spring. We’ve had some exquisite weather and yesterday was pretty close to perfect for biking on the Great Allegheny Passage.

On our way home, we stopped at Panera Bread in Uniontown for a meeting of the newest Pennwriters’ group. It was a nice casual afternoon of chatting with writers in various phases of their careers, from beginners to published and everywhere in between.

Which brings me to today. So much for the exquisite spring weather. Today, it’s cold and gray and rainy. Just in time for the Festival of Mystery. I suppose on the upside, it’s good weather to come inside and visit with the authors and buy books. I have a wad of cash saved up for the occasion. Granted, my to-be-read shelf overfloweth already, but one can never have too many books.


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