Recovery Weekend

I have survived yet another gum graft surgery. This time has gone easier than last time, so far. I qualify that with the memory that last time I felt worse on days four and five than I did on days one, two, and three. And I haven’t tried to eat anything yet this morning. Perhaps knocking on wood is in order.

I’ve been steadfastly following doctor’s orders to take it easy. Friday I slept most of the day. When I wasn’t sleeping, I was reading. I finished Nancy Martin’s MURDER MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH. While it wasn’t quite as funny as Nancy’s previous Blackbird Sisters Mysteries, the complications came so fast and furious that I hardly missed the humor. Now the big question remains WILL THERE BE AN EIGHTH BLACKBIRD SISTER MYSTERY? She did wrap up the ending rather neatly…

On Saturday, I did some laundry between napping and reading. I breezed through John J. Lamb’s THE CRAFTY TEDDY in that one day. John’s Teddy Bear Collector’s Mysteries are what I’d have to call cozy police procedurals with a high quotient of humor. And if you’ve ever met John, his books sound just like him. That’s a good thing, for those of you who DON’T know him.

Yesterday, I didn’t get any reading done (darn it), but I did clean up my office in anticipation of getting some work done in here this week. Then I lay awake last night thinking about the next scene of my own book…the scene I hope to write this morning.

And through it all, Skye kitty was my nurse. She’s a wonderful nurse, too. For two solid days, she never left my lap. If I was on the couch, she was either on my legs or belly or was on the back of the couch looking down at me. If I got up, she followed me. When I sat down, there she was. Yesterday, when I finally started moving around, she seized the opportunity to take a break and catch up on her own catnapping. Being a nurse is hard work, you know.


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