Odds and Ends

I’ve been sitting here trying to decide what to write about today. There’s been a little of this going on and a little of that. Enough to keep me hopping, but no one thing really jumps out as a blog topic. So I thought I’d give you a sampling of everything.

I met with my critique group yesterday and they gave the thumbs-up to my re-write of Chapter One. So except for a few minor fixes, I can focus on tinkering with Chapter Two now. My goal, by the way, is to have the first three chapters done before we leave for Williamsburg.

Mom is doing well. We go back to the surgeon for another post-op check on Tuesday and he will likely once again give her the go-ahead to use her cane. I confess to being a little gun shy about this. Last time he OK’d her using the cane, one week later, she dislocated again. Of course, things are different this time. Or at least I keep telling myself that.

My recovery from gum graft surgery went much easier this time around. I was feeling better after a week instead of two. I did lose six pounds though, so don’t think it was a breeze.

In an effort to continue the weight-lose theme, I’ve signed up for Bob Greene’s The Best Life Diet online. I’m not usually one for diets, but this one is something I can live with. It’s not low carb or low protein. It’s a balanced, healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies. I’ve had to get used to the smaller portions, but the gum graft recovery helped prepare me for that. And I’ve been walking.

Spring is a good time to walk. The grass hasn’t grown up around my waist over on the farm. And the ticks aren’t out yet. And the weather has been superb. Unfortunately, the forecast is for cooler, wet weather, so my days of strolling through the old family farm are numbered.

Malice Domestic is this weekend. And I’m not there. I loved Malice Domestic, but can’t justify the expense when I don’t have a book to promote. Besides, I’m going to Bouchercon in the fall and need to save my pennies for that one.

The Festival of Mystery is Monday. I’ll have to miss Citizens’ Police Academy, but I can make it up next session. No way am I going to miss the Festival.

And the Pennwriters Conference is coming up in May. We’ve planned a bus to take our local writers to Lancaster for this year’s conference. I have boxes of free stuff stacked here in my office to take for the freebies table. I hope I get more in the next couple of weeks, because donations seem to be down this year from past years.

My plans for today involve washing my car and cleaning my house. Not exactly exciting, but sometimes I can use a little less excitement in my life.


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