Horsing Around

We’re experiencing a taste of autumn in southwestern Pennsylvania. Cool days, cooler nights. And the rain has limited itself to nighttime only. In a word, it’s been GORGEOUS.

Saturday, my friend, Sara, and I managed to escape for a couple hours on horseback. We were a little limited by time constraints, but we squeezed out a couple of relaxing hours nonetheless. Admiral provided a touch of excitement as per usual. The cool breeze induced into thinking a bit of bucking might be in order. I convinced him otherwise and the rest of the ride was uneventful and pleasant.

Sunday, I spent the day at a horse show just over the state line in West Virginia at a place called Camp Aura. It was a fun show with classes for peewees, bigger kids, and adults. I played auntie and groom for my friend Jessi and her kids. Mostly, that consisted of holding Nappy when Jessi needed both hands for something else.

I plan on writing more about the show and the fun we had on Working Stiffs this Wednesday, so you’ll have to check back. There will be more pictures.

Today is Day Two of the heat pump installation. Of course, with the autumn sampler we’re having, I may need the heat part of it sooner than I need the air conditioning!


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