Snow Days and Work Days

While the snow and the ice this winter are making me borderline insane, I must admit I’ve been making good use of the many cancellations.

The snow and ice storm that hit yesterday forced me to cancel my yoga class. But instead of taking a “snow day” to sit back with a cup of hot cocoa and read, I worked on the Pennwriters Conference. For six solid hours, I worked on it. And by the end of the day, I have to admit, it’s beginning to look like a conference. All the random notes and memos and odds and ends are coming together. We have a wonderful line-up of speakers and a full contingent of workshops. I’m making arrangements to get the brochure printed and mailed.

All yesterday morning and part of the afternoon, my Internet service was out (ice encrusted satellite dish), so I spent the time printing and packaging bundles of flyers to mail to local libraries. One more item to check off the to-do list.

I’m breathing a little easier today. I’m caught up. The to-do list is still a mile long and growing, but I think I can some time off later this morning to have lunch with some writing friends and leave the guilt at home.

And remember my goal/resolution about writing first? I’m still doing it. Most days, it’s only a half hour first thing in the morning. But the short story’s first draft is almost complete. In fact, I feel confident in saying I think I may finish it TOMORROW. It’s about twice as long as it’s supposed to be. I have lots of chopping to do. But I’m on schedule to meet my deadline.

So in the middle of the snow and the ice, I’ve pulled a conference together and written a short story this winter. Not bad.


Kathleen said…
Congraulations! It feels good to get a lot done in one big sweep!

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