100 Days and Counting

Today, the countdown has reached 100 days. Which countdown? you ask. The countdown until my duties as conference coordinator are OVER. So that’s not 100 days until the conference. It’s 100 days until the END of the conference.

I started keeping track back in mid December. There was so much to do. At first it seemed like I’d never reach the end. Then my thinking shifted. Okay. There were a lot of days left as conference coordinator, but that simply meant I had a lot of time to do everything that needed done.

And I’ve accomplished quite a bit. The brochure should be in the mail within the week. Workshops are set, speakers have been lined up. Disasters have come and gone.

One hundred days seems like a nice round number. The end is in sight, but there’s still time to take care of what remains on my to-do list. Plus, I’ve recently crossed off some big items on that list and am nearly ready to cross off one more major task.

Perhaps I should celebrate this milestone. Nah. As soon as I start thinking I have things in order, another snafu will pop up. Best I keep my head down and continue to plug along like I have been.

The 2009 Pennwriters Conference: “A Writer’s Tool Chest” will be held May 15-17 at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott. Lisa Scottoline will be our Friday keynote speaker. Other speakers can be found here and a list of workshops can be found here. To register (online or mail-in options available), click here.


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