Photo Friday: Young Love
For several days now, Mooch has been visiting our front porch and sitting on the picnic table, which has been pulled in front of the window, under the shelter of the porch roof for winter. For Skye, it was love at first sight.

To save my lace curtains from certain destruction, I have to pull them aside for Moochie’s visits. Skye talks to him through the window and scratches at the glass from the inside, while Moochie scratches at the glass from the outside. Screech, screech, screech. Think fingernails on a chalkboard.
Then they lounge on their respective perches and gaze longingly at each other.

Skye is such a flirt. And Moochie just struts his stuff and shows off how handsome he is.
Unrequited love.

To save my lace curtains from certain destruction, I have to pull them aside for Moochie’s visits. Skye talks to him through the window and scratches at the glass from the inside, while Moochie scratches at the glass from the outside. Screech, screech, screech. Think fingernails on a chalkboard.
Then they lounge on their respective perches and gaze longingly at each other.

Skye is such a flirt. And Moochie just struts his stuff and shows off how handsome he is.
Unrequited love.
Although with cell phones and texting, do they still do that?
I have to ask, have you ever crafted any characters (human, that is)for your stories or books in the likeness of cats you've known?
Because these two could give you some good material :-) Really!