The Price of Loving a Cat

There are certain little unpleasant things that all cats do on occasion. Like gakking up hairballs. We love our kitties, so we grin through clenched teeth and clean up the mess.

Recently, Skye has been doing a bit more gakking than usual. And not hairballs. We won’t go into details. If you are owned by a cat, you know what I mean.

When these messy episodes became more and more frequent, I decided it was time for a trip to the vet. So Monday, in between several other appointments, I drove my little furbaby to our vet’s office. Forty-five minutes each way. In the snow.

Okay, it’s been snowing nonstop for about six months, so that last part doesn’t mean much.

After a bit of poking and prodding, it was determined that Skye’s belly wasn’t tender and there were no obvious masses. Rather than sticking her with needles (and me with a large bill) unnecessarily, we’re opting to try a few minor changes. I’m giving her antacid twice a day for a week. I clipped her claws first.

Then, there’s food. No more Fancy Feast. Skye is now eating Wellness canned food. I’ve had her on Wellness dry for years. Now, she’s on both.

The good part is that she likes it. Miss Persnickety doesn’t give her seal of approval to very many brands. But this, she likes. Why not? It offers flavors like chicken and lobster. Any guesses on when the last time I had lobster? Vegetarianism notwithstanding.

The bad part is with flavors like chicken and lobster, it costs more than twice the price of good old Fancy Feast.

Me? I’m eating more and more store brands in an effort to pinch pennies. But Skye has just doubled her food budget.

But at least she hasn’t gakked lately.


kage said…
"gakked" cracks me up!! I used to be owned by a cute little kitty but our building doesn't allow pets so she lives with my parents :(
VR Barkowski said…
LOL! Gakked caught my attention, too. It's the exact word we use in my house for the very activity you describe. You may not find 'gakked' in Webster's, but I bet it's in every Cat Owner's Dictionary.
Annette said…
You mean "gak" isn't a real word??? LOL!

FYI, as of this morning we are still gak-free. Yay!

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