Countdown to Bouchercon-2 days!

I have a Sisters in Crime meeting tonight and a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon, so I have very limited time to get stuff done before leaving on Wednesday.

Over on Working Stiffs, Wilfred is blogging today about his busy week ahead. I think a lot of us who are headed to Baltimore are feeling the strain. Here’s a sampling of my to-do list:

Make sure all the bills are paid so I don’t come home to find a debt collector on my front porch.

Work on the 2009 Pennwriters Conference. I have a couple of editors I want to send email invitations to and I need to write a report on the planning committee meeting we held yesterday to turn into the board and the absentee committee members.

I need to design and print flyers promoting said Pennwriters Conference to take with me and place in strategic spots at Bouchercon. Also need to print membership brochures and business cards to promote the organization as well as the conference. (Pulling double duty as conference coordinator AND area rep? What was I thinking???)

I should probably print some of my own business cards for networking, too.

I have a homework assignment due for the online mystery writing course I’m taking.

Print out several of my critique buddies’ chapters to take for reading during my down time. As if there won’t be enough other stuff there to read. Ha.

Oh, and I’d still like to tidy up my office, if I have a spare hour or two. Or ten. HA! Yes, I’ve been planning to do this for days now. And a few things have been picked up and filed. But mostly, it’s still a fire hazard in here.

Plus I need to write a post for Working Stiffs to be ready to post on Wednesday morning. And there’s that little matter of making the final decisions on what to pack and what to leave home.

That’s all. No big deal. Baltimore, here I come!


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