Thursday at Bouchercon

I am in Baltimore at Bouchercon! Finally. And I'm exhausted. After only one day! Here are a few photos of Thursday at Bouchercon:

Here's Hallie Ephron and Rosemary Harris:

Sandra Ruttan and her daughter:

I love Sandra. She's editor of Spinetingler Magazine who published one of my first short stories.

Here is the amazing book sellers' room:

Here I am with another writer of horseracing thrillers, Kit Ehrman:

Here are three of the Working Stiffs...Joyce Tremel (my roommate), Wilfred Bereswill, and me:

And Will's panel:

The Sisters in Crime lunch was great fun. The food was fabulous and this room was astonishing:

And opening ceremonies haven't even taken place yet.


Sandra Ruttan said…
It was great to meet you Annette, and that's a wonderful photo of Bryanna. I fear it won't be the only photo of her with her tongue out that ends up online...
Annette said…
She's a really cutey, Sandra, tongue out or not.
mybillcrider said…
Good to meet you in person. It was a great convention, all right.
Annette said…
Thanks, Bill. It was good meeting you, too.

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