...and Looking Ahead



Okay, this is one year when I doubt that I have any problems writing the date on my checks. I’ve been working on and promoting the 2009 Pennwriters Conference for almost a year now, so 2009 has been at the front of my consciousness. But now it’s officially here.

New Years is always full of promise and potential. Anything can happen. It’s like a newly bought lottery ticket…aren’t they all winners until the number is drawn?

We look ahead with hope. Maybe THIS will be the year our dreams will come true. Maybe THIS is the year my manuscript finds a publisher. Maybe…

My primary goal (resolution if you prefer) was to make money with my writing. At least, more money than I did in 2007. And I succeeded. It still isn’t paying the bills. And the bulk of my writing income came from teaching rather than selling articles. But I didn’t specify WHERE the money came from, so I’m okay with it.

I think I’ll hang onto that goal for another year. I want my writing income to grow. Of course that means I have to send out those queries, write and submit those short stories…

And finish the manuscript so my agent has something fresh to shop around.

All of that may be a little difficult until after May. I have 135 days left to my role as conference coordinator. But who’s counting?

I was hoping to have the first draft completed by the conference. Then I could jump into revision mode and polish it up by the end of summer. But I’ve discovered there are only so many hours in the day. Only so many days in the week. If I’m going to send out those queries and finish that short story, AND continue working on the conference, something has to give.

Which brings me to my NEW goal for 2009. Several different writing friends have suggested it and I’m going to give it a whirl. I’m going to WRITE FIRST. Yep, my 2009 goal is to get some writing done BEFORE I do anything else (except make my morning coffee). I am not going to log into my email or my Facebook account. I’m not going to check the blogs. I’m not going to even log into the Internet UNTIL I’ve written SOMETHING.

(In case you’re reading this early, be advised I wrote it and posted it YESTERDAY. So I may not actually be online until later.)

I don’t know how my muse is going to respond to the new early hour of creativity I’m assigning myself. But my fickle muse has been on vacation (in Jamaica, I think) for the last two or three weeks anyway. I guess I’ll have to start without him.

Happy 2009!


Joyce Tremel said…
I think I'm going to have to try that. WRITE FIRST. My new mantra.
Annette said…
Joyce, I'm happy to report that on day one of this new WRITE FIRST system, I did indeed get some writing done before giving into the temptation of the email. One day down, 364 to go.
Joyce Tremel said…
I'll start Monday...
Anonymous said…
I love your new system, Annette. I tried it this morning and this is what I wrote:

mmfmmgjjgjso jji oosihn iff hti djglglo.

So...I got my second cup of coffee, and spent some time (about one hour) with my usual ritual. Games, e-mails, Facebook, then open up my file ready to work.

I think I'm too old for some changes. But, I did try!

Hope it works for the rest of you!

Annette said…
Paula, you may have just come up with the start of a new language for a fantasy/sci-fi novel.

I'm happy to announce, I'm two for two. With hubby under foot, I only wrote one page this morning, but I can feel the momentum building.

Except that I'm blowing off tomorrow and sleeping in.
Anonymous said…
One page is better than nothing, so that's great.

Yes! Please do sleep in tomorrow. You've certainly earned it.

Anonymous said…
Good luck, Annette!

I love the concept of writing first, although for me, since I write at night, the mantra will have to be reversed, I suppose. :-)

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