Photo Friday: Robins and Wasp

My question is this: Are these robins (who are nesting right outside my office window) screaming at the sight of the wasp? Or are they contemplating having him for lunch? And I don't mean as a guest.


Mason Canyon said…
I'd say the wasp upset them so they will be dining on wasp. LOL

Thoughts in Progress
Doris Dumrauf said…
Definitely lunch. At that age, everything is food for them.
Annette said…
You're both probably right. I imagine it might a bit of a kick to it, though!

We used to have a dog that would eat wasps. They'd sting his mouth, he'd roll around, digging his muzzle in the dirt, then get up and go after another one. Never said he was the brightest bulb in the box...
Jemi Fraser said…
That's a great photo! I'm guessing lunch as well :)
Sara said…
So very Wild Kingdom down your way! You have a perfect view.
I guess if I was hungry enough I'd eat a wasp, too? Kind of like hot wings or wasabi maybe ;)
Annette said…
Yes. Quite the kick, I would imagine. Yeeoooww!

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