A Happy Horse Story

About a year ago, my trainer friend Jessi Pizzurro had a horse come into her possession for a whooping forty-five dollars. I immediately fell in love with him. Count reminded me a lot of my dear old Jenny mare. Oh, sure, he was a gelding and she was a mare. But he had the same star and stripe on his face that she had. And he had a similar ornery disposition.

When Jessi decided that she had to sell him, she offered him to me for the same price she paid for him. How could I turn down a forty-five dollar horse? Well, it wasn’t easy, but I did. Since Hurricane Ivan took out ALL of our fence and the barn has been gutted and turned into a tractor shed and I know how much veterinary and blacksmith bills are, I basically couldn’t afford him. My hubby is prone to saying that the cost of buying the horse is the cheapest part of the investment. He’s right.

Count eventually went to another home and I thought I’d never find out what happened to him.

Then Jessi forwarded an email to me the other day. He is now owned by a thirteen year old girl and is in training for hunter/jumper and learning to move off the leg and lower his head, etc. And the email came with this photo of the old boy.

I’m thrilled. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Count. I have a feeling that he’s in a loving home and being pampered to within an inch of his life.

Way to go, Count.


Unknown said…
That's a darling story. I love happy endings for race horses. I've owned two ex-racer horses. Both were wonderful riding horses and one went on to become a great field hunter.

I hope you'll be able to afford the horse of your dreams.

I own a four-year-old quarter horse gelding who's a wonderful
moving and versatile horse. He'll be a buddy, trail, pleasure and occasional show horse. (as long as God allows me the priviledge of owning him)
Annette said…
Patricia, I've already owned the horse of my dreams...my dear late Jenny. Right now I'm riding a friend's horse, the intrepid Admiral. All the fun, none of the work! But if Count had come into my life now that I actually would have a place to board him...I dunno. It was hard enough to turn him down before.

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