Skye's the Limit

In the whirlwind of Mom-related activities lately, I thought I should let you all know that Skye has not been forgotten or neglected. Granted, there were a couple of long days at the hospital when the poor girl had to deal with being home alone. But she seems none the worse for wear. I don’t think she worries about being abandoned anymore. She does, however, glue herself to me when I get home.

Skye has been a part of our family for just over two months now and she has definitely carved out a spot for herself.
She has taken up residence in my office chair and likes to keep an eye on the printer. She also likes watching certain cartoons on You Tube. I fear this one gives her ideas.

Her coat is thick and soft and shiny, no longer showing any of the signs of the skin problems she had when she entered the shelter. She loves to play with (and lose) her favorite toys. They usually stay lost until I buy her a new one.
THEN the old one shows up again, usually under a piece of furniture, waaaayyyy in the back.

One of her favorite activities is gazing out the bedroom window.
The cattle fascinate her. I suspect she did not live on a farm before. “Wow, those are big dogs!”

She now lets me sleep through the night, usually with her lying over my legs or snuggled next to me. As jittery and jumpy as she was when she first moved in here, I never believed she’d be a lap cat. I was wrong. As soon as I settle into my recliner, under my afghan with a good book, she’s right there on top of me, making her nest. She also cuddles in my lap on the sofa to watch TV.

One thing is certain. Skye and I have successfully rescued each other from some sad, lonely times.


Anonymous said…
Skye really is a beautiful cat.

There's nothing better than a pet to keep your lap warm and lift your spirits after a long stretch of days.

Enjoy each other!
Annette said…
Thanks, Kristine. I think so, too. :-)

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