Happy Halloween and Merry NaNoWriMo

Can someone tell me how it got to be the end of October already? Halloween has snuck up on me like one of its goblins in the night. I still have my summer bird houses sitting on the front porch.

October is always a hectic month. It’s the month to get everything done before snow flies. I remember building our barn in October many years ago. We had all summer, but being procrastinators, it didn’t get done until the leaves had fallen and winter threatened to freeze the ground solid.

No barns this year. Just dentist appointments, eye doctor appointments, skin doctor appointments (my freckles are all just freckles this year…YAY). Make sure the body is functioning sufficiently well to make it through another winter. A few appointments didn’t fit in October, so early November has turned into an overflow. But I hope to have a fairly clear appointment book for the bulk of next month.

I don’t much like cold weather. I shall miss my outdoor walks. I’m saving my pennies to buy a treadmill so I don’t pack on the pounds over the winter like I did last year. However, I do find myself longing to be snowed in with nowhere to go and nothing to do except write.

And work on the Pennwriters Conference.

After Bouchercon, I made a pledge to myself to work on my novel EVERY DAY. Even if it meant twenty minutes and tweaking a sentence or two. Granted, there have been days when twenty minutes and a tweak were all I managed to squeeze in (yesterday being a prime example), but I have managed to keep that pledge through a very busy month. Today will be another challenge. I should be working on my novel instead of this blog. Oh, well…

Tomorrow begins NaNoWriMo. For those of you who don’t know what NaMoWriMo is, it’s National Novel Writing Month and many writers sign up to complete a novel in the month of November. I have never attempted this, nor will I be participating this year. But it does sound like grand fun and I wish everyone involved good luck.

My own version of NaNoWriMo is to continue with my pledge of working on my book every day. It won’t be finished at the end of November, but it will be further along than it is today. By the way, I currently stand at 31,000 words of shitty first draft.


Kathleen said…
I knnw what you mean! September and October are my farorite months. They are also ALWAYS the most hectic. My magic month of October vanished too quickly. Sigh.

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