Rainy Mondays

Some days I just want to sleep all day. This is one of them. And there is no particular reason to crawl in bed and hide. It’s simply dreary and rainy and cold. In other words, it’s winter in Pennsylvania.

But not really. Technically, it’s still autumn with winter solstice almost a month away.

Whatever the reason, I’m sluggish. Somehow, I managed to force out a couple of pages of the crappy first draft. The entire last chapter and a half have been set in a funeral home with the entire nutty cast of characters passing through. A chapter and a half is too long for a writer to spend in a funeral home, especially when the writing has taken as long as this has. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling as gloomy as the soggy gray sky outside my window.

The good news is I finished Chapter Ten this morning. And as it ended, my protagonist has left the building. She’s heading back to the farm where a surprise awaits her. Aha! Something to brighten my mood. Nothing perks up a day like having your protagonist find an intruder in her house. What happens? I’m not sure. I won’t know until I write it. Stay tuned.


Sara said…
Maybe it's the barometric pressure or something, because I've sure been stuck in a funk.
Can't wait for a break in it.

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