The Bathroom Remodel: Part One

We began talking about the bathroom remodel last winter. After attending home shows and interrogating plumbers, we purchased a new toilet and a new bathtub. Both remain in their packaging. I’d almost forgotten about the project.

Until Saturday.

I was preparing to leave to take Mom grocery shopping and asked Hubby what he was going to do with his day. I expected to hear some grumbling about mowing lawns. Instead, he informed me he was going to start ripping out the bathroom wall.

Okay. It shouldn’t have taken me by surprise. He’s mentioned this time and time again. Soon, he would say. He was going to start on the remodel SOON. And yet, I embraced denial. The sun will come out tomorrow. The bathroom will get torn to shreds tomorrow. Never today.

Until Saturday.

This is what my bathroom looked like before I left to go shopping.

The bath surround is cracked and chipped.

Icky mold lurks in the corners. It definitely NEEDS to be remodeled.

And this is what I came home to.

Next, the old tub has to come out and the new one will have to be wedged in. This will have to happen in one day, since we only have the one bathroom. It will also require some assistance. That means coordinating days off with a willing friend.

Apparently the rest of the remodeling job will have to wait a while. Until then, I’m living with a very rustic bath.


Becky said…
If only my hubby could remodel the bathroom we could save about $7000. Yeah for Ray.
Sara said…
Hey! That actually looks kinda pretty! No fair!
Annette said…
Sara, it looks much better in the picture than in reality. The cobwebs and decades-old dust bunnies don't show up.

Becky, that $7000 is the cost of frayed nerves and mashed fingers. But he's only drawn blood once so far.

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