Conference Countdown: Tuesday

Tomorrow is my travel day. I’ll be kissing Hubby and Skye kitty good-bye (and hoping they can tolerate each other for a few days without me refereeing them) and hitting the road to Lancaster and the conference.

So this is my last full day of preparation. On the other hand, it’s also my last full day of anxiety over packing. What to take? EVERYTHING. This is not the time to try to travel light. Two business suits, my little black dress for the keynote dinner, a couple of casual outfits for Thursday’s daylong workshop and for Sunday, which is another travel day and therefore the equivalent of “casual Friday.” Then there’s an outfit for Saturday’s costume party. Shoes and boots to match. Assorted other sundry items.

Plus laptop, camera (I’m official photographer), some Avon stuff (just in case someone forgot to pack lip gloss or wants to purchase some Skin So Soft).

Oh, and there’s the basket for the auction.

My poor car.

I’m beyond the panic mode of this past weekend. The pitch is ready. Or, to be more accurate, I’ve decided it’s good enough. I am capable of making myself nuts over the quest for perfection, but at some point I just have to STOP. The same goes for revisions. I worked on the first couple of chapters a bit this morning and decided it’s at that point where I’m not really making it better. I’m only making it different. Time to give it a rest.

My to-do list is getting down to minor stuff. Clipping Skye’s claws so she doesn’t shred Hubby while I’m away. Printing out a hard copy of the manuscript just in case…of what? I dunno. It just seems like something I should do. Deciding what novel to pack for those spare quiet moments.

Almost ready.


Jemi Fraser said…
You're so ready! Aren't you glad you're not flying - you wouldn't be able to take as much :)

Mason Canyon said…
You're definitely ready. Everything will go great. Just remember to have some fun too.

Thoughts in Progress
Annette said…
Jemi, you're the second person to point that out to me. Actually, I was at one point considering taking the train just because I've never done that. But the quantity of "stuff" that goes with me ruined that plan.

Mason, I have "fun" penciled into several spots in my schedule.

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