Pennwriters Conference in Pictures: Conclusion

The Masquerade Party

The Saturday night party at any Pennwriters Conference is always a good time. Possibly because the bulk of the stress of agent/editor appointments is over and everyone lets their hair down. Attendees come and either toast their successes or drown their sorrows.

This year, the theme was Heroes and Villains. I didn’t get the memo. If I had, I’d have brought a bandanna to cover my face and claimed to be an outlaw. Instead, I donned a combination of my own stuff and my hubby’s garb to be a cowgirl.
In truth, this was more ME than the business-suited version conference goers see.

Here are some of the other heroes and villains.

Janet Reid brought her pet octopus, who got into the spirit with—well—spirits.

Octopus also tried on my hat.

The musician was fabulous.

But the big hit of the evening was fellow Working Stiff and friend, Paula Matter, who came as a victim of the Query Shark.

Someone offered to buy Paula a drink if she strolled through the prom that was going on in the courtyard. Never one to turn down a dare or a drink, off she went and bopped her way through the teens’ party. The kids apparently thought she was part of the show, high-fiving her flippers as she went. One girl touched her and cried out, “Oh! There’s a PERSON in there!”

Duh. What did she think? Robo shark?

Anyhow, I regret to report there are no photos of the escapade, unless one of the kids snapped one. This photographer was laughing so hard she forgot to turn on the flash.

But there are plenty of other Prom Shark pictures. Here she is with another Working Stiff: Martha Reed.

And here she is lined up with the other contestants.

The winner was selected by applause. Janet Reid’s table alone pushed her over the top!

By the way, Paula is blogging about this same thing over on Working Stiffs today.

Folks started drifting out way too early. Those who did missed the incredible belly dance performed by “Scheherazade.”

I noticed all the hotel staff working our party stopped what they were doing to watch.

Which brings me to Sunday and closing ceremonies. And the basket raffle. I won one this year. But Peggy Hauser, as usual, cleaned up.

And so it ended. Another Pennwriters Conference is in the books. Kudos to Wonder Woman AKA Ayleen Stellhorn for another phenomenal weekend. See you all in Pittsburgh next year!


These are great pictures! Looks like everyone had a lot of fun.
Joyce Tremel said…
Great summary, Annette.

And to think a week ago I was packing to head to the conference. Sigh. I want to do it again!
Mason Canyon said…
Wonderful photos, love your outfit. I can see why the shark was a hit. Thanks for sharing.

Thoughts in Progress
Sara said…
I can imagine that might have been a pretty rowdy (in a good way) evening. Looks like it was fun :)
Jemi Fraser said…
Love the query shark victim - hysterical! Sure looks like tons of fun :)

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