Report from the Conference: Thursday

This will be a very short post. I’m exhausted after a very long day. I made the mistake of going to the fitness center this morning and walking on the treadmill for a half hour or so. That energy I expended would be nice to have right now.

The workshop with Tim Esaias was fabulous as I knew it would be. It started at 9AM and ran until 4PM with a lunch break and a couple of coffee breaks thrown in. I took lots of notes to share with the gang back home.

My friend Joyce Tremel arrived around 4:30 and is as impressed with this room as I am. I’ll post pictures at some point when I’m conscious enough to upload them to the computer.

The rest of the evening was taken up with a Pennwriters Board of Directors meeting. By the time that wrapped up and I headed to help in the Hospitality Suite, all the work had been done.

So, one day down. Three more to go. Tomorrow is the big one. I have my pitch session in the morning. After that, I can relax and enjoy the workshops.


Jemi Fraser said…
Sounds like you're off to a great start with that workshop!

I'll cross my fingers for you for the pitch session - enjoy the day :)

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