New Year's Eve at the Dashofys

Wishing you all a Happy New Year's Eve. To borrow that immortal line from Hill Street Blues, "Let's be careful out there." Please don't drink and drive.

The Dashofys will be spending New Year's Eve sleeping. I'm just not all that big on getting drunk and kissing everyone in the place at midnight. So we'll stay home, watch some movies on the new TV and be fast asleep when the ball drops.

Party animals, we are.

Before you head out to your assorted parties and festivities, check out today's Working Stiffs blog where I tell about my efforts to create my dream writers conference.


Joyce Tremel said…
We'll be in bed well before midnight. We watched part of the first season of Get Smart last night and will probably do the same tonight.
Annette said…
Get Smart! LOL! What a great way to spend an evening!
Kathleen said…
I will be spending New Year's Eve with Anderson Cooper. He is smart, very smart, AND cute. Oh, and he won't mind that I'll be in flannel pajamas.
Kathleen said…
Happy New Year, Annie! May it be blessed!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!
Boy, what party animals we are. Drink? Drive? I do neither on New Year's Eve.
I'll see you next year!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, Annette!

I also enjoyed a New Year's Eve at home. The Munchkin was in bed at 8:00, I was in my PJs by 8:30, the hubby and I watched a movie and then I was in bed reading by 12:15 a.m.

It was a blissfully quiet night at home--the way I like it.

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