A Peaceful Weekend

I’m home from the retreat. Yes, I did take my computer, but, no, I didn’t do any work. For one thing, the retreat was held at a local university that brags about free wi-fi. What they don’t mention is you have to be student or member of the faculty and have a university email address in order to log on. Mere guests such as myself are out of luck.

But that was okay. I spent the weekend immersed in the workshops, classes, and meditation practices. And the rest of the time, I slept. I think I slept 10 hours Saturday night.

Unlike most of the yoga workshops I’ve attended in the past, which focus on the asana (yoga poses), this was very definitely a spiritual retreat. I sat at the feet of Yogi Amrit Desai and listened to his wisdom and his teachings.

I was reminded of the vast gulf between the part of me that writes mysteries and the part of me that enjoys yoga and chanting and mediation. They are polar opposites that I still can’t quite reconcile even in my own mind. But perhaps I don’t need to. Accepting things the way they are without over thinking was something I took away from the weekend.

And for anyone who is waiting for me to write a yoga murder mystery…you’ll have to keep on waiting. Those two opposing sides of my brain have no interest in collaborating on a project at this time.


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