Neither Here Nor There

I’ve been sitting here pondering what to blog about and it occurred to me that I’m a bit in limbo. Today, is one of those days when nothing much is going on. Stuff has either already taken place or hasn’t happened yet. Weatherwise, it’s not quite spring, but finally winter appears to be cutting us some slack. Yesterday was mild, but windy (March weather). Today calls for rain, which is much better than snow and ice.

I survived my meeting last week with my new accountant. Tax time always scares me. But this guy tells me I’m as anal as an engineer when it comes to my recording keeping. Anal. Ordinarily, I might take offense, but in this case, I’ll take it as a compliment. Numbers are not my strong suit. Letters, words, yes. Numbers, no. So if my books are complete enough to be termed “anal,” GOOD. Makes up for that “D” I got in high school bookkeeping. Now, I just sit and wait for the paperwork to be completed so we can sign our tax returns and zip them off to the powers that be.

I’m sitting in limbo with my mom, too. She’s doing well. Except for being enmeshed in what I can only call Roommate Hell. She’s on her third, each one nuttier than the one before. Her physical therapist asked her yesterday what she’d done to piss off the administration or whoever makes the decisions on what new patient goes in which room. We have no answer for that. Maybe I should bake some cookies or buy a box of candy and flowers. A little bribery can’t hurt.

We have another appointment with Dr. Ray on Tuesday. With a little luck, Mom will be released and can come home by the end of next week. That’s MY plan. Of course, no one takes my plans into consideration for much of anything.

I did get one whole page written this week. Pennwriters stuff (2009 conference planning, upcoming workshop registrations) has taken priority over writing in my limited amount of work-from-home time. I see no improvement in those Pennwriters demands in my future, so I need to get Mom home so my work-from-home time can expand.

Today is my day to take care of the home front. Bills need to be paid. Groceries need to be bought.

The house needs to be cleaned. But that always seems to fall off the priority map. Perhaps I could place an ad in the paper. Think anyone would want to adopt a dust bunny for Easter?


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