Workshop Overload

I don’t know how I managed this—temporary insanity or perhaps I forgot how to read a calendar—but I have three workshops to prepare for within the next eleven days. And these aren’t workshops that I’m TAKING. These are workshops that I’m either presenting or organizing.

First up is another restorative yoga workshop this Sunday afternoon. I love restorative yoga. I love teaching it. I REALLY love practicing it. So planning a three-hour workshop is no big deal. Ordinarily, I’d have had it all mapped out a week ago. Not this time. I have a list of the supported poses I want to present, but I still need to determine the best order to achieve the deepest sense of relaxation. There are certain things that need to be taken into consideration. For instance, I don’t want to schedule a posture that involves lying on your belly near the end. Best to do those right after the bathroom break. Comfort is key, after all.

The BIG workshop on my plate is Firearms 101 for Writers. I’m not presenting it. I’ve rounded up Hubby and two of his sportsmen buddies to speak at it. But with the help of fellow Pennwriter area representative Catherine McLean, I’m organizing it. Catherine has been doing battle with the budget. I’m in charge of lunch and the program content. It’s going to be great. But as with any major event, there is the worry of “what if something goes wrong.” I’m confident that everyone will show up on time. These guys did this before for Sister in Crime. But this is more wide spread, since it’s a Pennwriters event. There is registration and the catered lunch. There are beverages and raffle baskets. Everything appears to be under control. Or is it just an illusion.

The real kicker (and the reason I question my sanity) is the mini workshop on marketing that I somehow agreed to give to the Tuesday evening Pennwriters group two days after the firearms workshop. What was I thinking? I’m not the least bit prepared for it.

Hopefully, once I get the restorative yoga program out of the way, I can focus some attention on the marketing thing.

In the midst of all of this workshop overload, it would be nice to find some time to write, too.


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