An Anniversary

We’re celebrating an anniversary around here, today. No, not a wedding anniversary. A homecoming anniversary. Two years ago today, I rescued Skye and brought her home.

Back then she was on-edge, stressed, and a little distrustful. And she was a chatterbox.

Now, she’s considerably more laid-back. Queen of the house. And still a chatterbox

Do you like her feather boa?

I’ve been reminiscing a bit about all that was going on in my life two years ago. It wasn’t a happy time. At least, not until I rescued Skye. And she rescued me. We adore each other.

We’re spending our anniversary at home. I’m writing and she’s soaking up the sun in her favorite sunspots. I have a treat for her for supper. Her new favorite EXPENSIVE cat food. Fancy Feast Appetizers. They must put cocaine in that stuff. Or catnip.

Happy Anniversary, Skye kitty. I’m so glad you chose me to be your human.


Kristine said…
You've got a good Mommy, Skye.

Happy Anniversary to you both!
Sara said…
Don't forget she was a little thinner. :)
But doesn't she look beautiful and content.
Hard to believe that was 2 years ago!
Happy belated Anniversay!

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