Back to Work

I’m home from my brief foray to Twinsburg, Ohio. It was a nice respite from all the stuff going on around here and the folks attending the writer’s retreat made me feel completely welcome. Kudos to Cari Dubiel for a job well done in pulling the retreat together.

As concerned as I was about the weather, I couldn’t have asked for better driving conditions. The sun shone the entire way home. I loaded up on Starbucks coffee and a slice of Sbarro’s pizza at one of the plazas on the Ohio Turnpike, cranked up Oasis on the CD player and let my GPS guide me home in record time.

Skye kitty was waiting for me and has been shadowing me ever since I walked in the
door. She tolerates her “dad.” But she’s definitely mama’s girl. She gave me the “sad face” this morning when I left to visit my mom and pounced on me the second I returned home. I seem to be destined to live with cats who suffer from separation anxiety.

With the retreat and all my preparations for it in the past, it’s time to get back to work. I have a workshop of a different sort next weekend. I’m teaching an afternoon of restorative yoga at our newly renamed Shanti Om Yoga Studio. Of course, preparing for that is a really tough job. I must force myself to practice all the poses. It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.

And I need to get back to work on my freelance work. Thankfully, I have a terrifically understanding client. But I NEED to write. And since I’m smack in the middle of the project, I should be able to slide right back into it without much effort. I hope.


Anonymous said…
Welcome back, Annette!

I'm sure that Skye is so happy to have you home.

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