The week is ending on a better note than it started. I confess, I spent several mornings this week muttering bad words under my breath. But I’ve survived, it’s Friday, and just about all the headaches of the last week have resolved.

Yesterday was another day of running from one place to another and dealing with mini-crises in between.

Spent the morning ironing out some issues with our upcoming Firearms 101 for Writers Workshop. Having hubby be one of the presenters offers unique problems. And benefits, too. But problems at least get a more immediate reaction. And solution. So all is well.

Our Bridgeville Pennwriters group met for lunch with our former fearless leader in attendance. Lorraine Henderson created the group years ago. In recently times, she’s been dealing with some serious health issues. It was good to see her and especially to see her looking so healthy.

I had to leave a little early so I could make Mom’s appointment to get her taxes done. Since she was unable to go, I was her proxy. And not a very good one. I have to check with her on a few details and go back next week. (sigh)

The highlight of my day (and week) was last night when I traveled to the Mystery Lovers Bookshop annex (AKA The Oakmont Carnegie Library) for Lisa Scottoline’s booksigning for her latest book Lady Killer. I started reading it while waiting for the event to get started and was hooked immediately. Do not bother me tonight. I’ll be curled up in my recliner reading.

Lisa is always a wonderfully entertaining speaker, besides being one of my favorite authors. Last night was not a disappointment. After her talk, I waited until the end of a very long line to get to talk to her. With Mary Alice of Mystery Lovers backing me up, I asked Lisa to be our keynote speaker for the 2009 Pennwriters Conference. And she agreed! Two years ago, she offered to have her agent read my first manuscript. I was nearly as excited last night as back then.

Technically, contracts haven’t been signed so it’s been suggested that I shouldn’t announce anything yet. But we shook hands and hugged over the deal. And in the world of girlfriends (which is what Lady Killer is largely about), a hug is about as good a deal sealer as it gets.


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