Just Another Manic Monday

If I were a man, I’d be bald. And the fact that Male Pattern Baldness runs in my family has nothing to do with it. As it is, I’m simply sprouting a new crop of gray hairs.

How is it that I always tend to say yes to projects in the future, assuming that I won’t be as busy by then? Duh. Mental note to self: STOP THAT.

The Restorative Yoga program that I taught yesterday appears to have been a success. Everyone left looking relaxed and mellow. We’re going to do it again the end of next month. No problem there. I enjoy planning these workshops, if you can actually justify calling it a WORKshop.

No, my current source of stress is the decision I made almost a year ago to take on the role of 2009 Conference Coordinator. Suddenly, I’m faced with demands to have the thing all planned out when it’s still over a year away. It didn’t take me that long to plan my wedding!

Meanwhile, the Firearms 101 for Writers Workshop I’m helping plan for April is coming together. That sounds so nice and tidy. The truth is, I was going bananas for the last two weeks trying to track down the guys to get their bios for some promotional material. The one I needed to track down had apparently escaped to his hunting camp. The one with no phone.

Hmm. Maybe he’ll let me hide there.

Anyhow, this morning, it all came together. I hope. Until someone points out something else I’ve missed that should have been done yesterday. Or last week.

Then, the light in our kitchen died. No, the bulb didn’t just burn out. The guts fell out. The wires singed. Cooked. Done. Stick a fork in it. And from the looks of the demands on my time for the next few days, my kitchen may be a very dark place for a while.

And then there are the two (count ‘em…TWO) rejections I’ve received on my short stories in the last few days. Those stories need to be re-submitted elsewhere. It’s on my to-do list. I owe my online critique buddies several critiques, too. Maybe I can get those done tomorrow while I sit in the waiting room with my mom who has an appointment with her surgeon. Usually though, when I have work to do, the wait is nonexistent.

Ah, well, all that is for tomorrow and Wednesday and Thursday…For tonight, I have Citizen’s Police Academy! I plan to leave early and squeeze in an appointment with my chiropractor. The stress of this manic Monday is giving me a backache.


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