
Happy Groundhogs Day. The stupid rodent saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter. Of course, last year he DIDN’T see it and we had one of the nastiest early springs on record. Basically, if he sees his shadow, we get six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t, about a month and a half.

I’ve completed four weeks of the Buzz Your Book workshop. Two to go. I would highly recommend this course to anyone with a book coming out, but be prepared to spend the time to do the assignments and to WORK. Otherwise, you’re wasting your money. I’m getting my money’s worth, but I’ve sacrificed my writing in order to do the assignments. You’ve been warned.

On Tuesday, I took my mom to see her surgeon for another post-op and he graduated her from her walker to a cane. It was an exciting day. The even bigger occasion for her was Thursday when she ran the vacuum for the first time since before her surgery. I’ve never seen anyone so giddy over cleaning house. But that’s my mom. The tidy gene skipped my generation. However, I can appreciate how wonderful it is for her to make that huge step toward normal.

Also on Thursday, I had lunch with a group of my Pennwriters friends. We meet for lunch on the last Thursday of every month and this was our first get-together since our Christmas party back in early December. It was a small but enthusiastic gang with Tim Esaias and Doris Dumrauf sharing news of recent publications. We’re alternately a cheering section or support group as needed.

Yesterday, I finally broke down and admitted defeat where my eyes are concerned. I had my annual exam and ordered my first pair of bifocals. Progressive TRI-focals actually. I should have done it a couple years ago, but couldn’t bring myself to spend the money when I can take my glasses off and read just fine. Or slap a cheap pair of Wal-Mart readers on when I’m wearing my contacts. But time marches on and my vision steadily declines. The lenses are a special order item, so I won’t get them for a week or so. As a bit of rebellion, I picked out some stylin’ frames. Lavender. I kid you not. I’ve decided if I have to wear bifocals, I can at least look cool while I’m doing it.

Twinsburg Library posted a bit on their blog about my upcoming appearance at their Writer’s Retreat in two weeks.

As we delve into the second half of winter (according to Punxatony Phil), I leave you with this video clip to enjoy. Even if you don’t ride horses and never heard of dressage, THIS will amaze you.


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